About Perinata Inc.

Perinata Partners"The Specilists in Remote Access Services" 

Ubiquitous Computing or Pervasive Internet are services that are coming of age and changing the nature of business. Perinata (Pervasive Internet and Data Collection) is leading the way in providing affordable subscription services to enable this business revolution. 

Perinata is founded on the basis that low-cost, secure remote access services are the keystone of the new age of “Pervasive Internet”. Pervasive Internet or Machine to Machine interactions will usher in a new era of quality, cost-saving services. Global remote access to these systems is a vital piece of controlling costs and maintaining the quality of systems. 

Perinata key personnel have a thorough knowledge and a long history of experience in the remote access field. These key individuals have operated support centers and Network Operations Centers for support of IT systems. They have also been directly responsible for development of hardware and software systems that make secure remote access possible. They are attuned to the developing technology from other entities and have direct contacts to foster continuing technological development. 

Perinata Con-nect is low-cost Virtual Device Networking (VDN) to enable secure remote connection to anything, anywhere. 

Perinata De-tect is real-time business process monitoring and self-healing corrective action. 

Perinata Pro-tect OS independent bare -metal, file system, individual files and database Backup and Restore Services. 

Event Management and Asset Management Subscriptions Services. 

High Quality Multipoint Video Conference, HD Videostreaming, Desktop Sharing and Meeting Services. 

Professional Services including Remote Access Consulting and Custom Software Applications. 

Call us at 864-885-1918, or submit a contact request: at: CONTACT US


Perinata can show you how Business Class Videoconferencing can enhance your business at a surprisingly affordable price with CoroCall Services.  More...

Let us help you bring your corporate message to multiple venues like, movie theatres or conference rooms saving thousands in travel costs.  More...

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